Electra, Texas
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10605/1903
Electra, Texas, originally known as Beaver, was established in western Wichita County as a trading post for the Comanches under Quanah Parker in 1889. In 1900, W.T. Waggoner convinced the Fort Worth and Denver Railroad to build a switch in Beaver, and the town was renamed to honor his daughter, Electra. Testing for oil in 1911 set off a boom that peaked at 8,288,000 barrels in 1914. The Electra wells turned out over a million barrels per year into the 1950s.
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Reference Services,
Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library
Texas Tech University
2805 15th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1041
Phone (806) 742-9070
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