Winston Reeves Photograph Collection

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Winston Reeves began his photographic career in 1938 when he opened a studio at 1719 Broadway after graduating from Texas Tech University. During World War II he was an Army flight instructor at Breedlove Field in Lubbock while his wife and three assistants operated the studio. Reeves Photography was especially busy during World War II as young men about to be shipped overseas wanted to leave a photograph behind. Also, plentiful jobs provided money for family photos that had been put on hold during the Depression.

In addition to his portraiture business, Reeves documented the growth of Lubbock, Texas and the surrounding area until his death in 1965. In 1996 the files of Reeves Photography were deposited in the Southwest Collection, Texas Tech University, where they are being prepared for students and scholars to use. The commercial images have significant historical value because they illustrate the changes that took place throughout middle America in the middle years of the 20th Century.

Due to the high volume of images in the collection as well as resource constraints, the images presented on this web site are a chosen subset of the entire collection. Images that have been earmarked for web presentation are representative of the contents of the entire collection.

A supplement has been added to the Winston Reeves Collection. This material, not yet digitized or available on-line, includes ninety-eight 8x10 pictures of Texas Tech Buildings, farmland, many Lubbock buildings, streets, mills, Lindsey Theatre, among other undated photographs.

If you would like to purchase either a photograph reproduction or an electronic version of any photographs in this collection, please refer to the photograph reproduction policies and prices guide.


Contact information:
Reference Services,
Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library
Texas Tech University
2805 15th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1041
Phone (806) 742-9070

Visit The Southwest Collection's Reference Services website for more information on collections at the archive.


Copyright: The images in the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library's digital repository have been made available for study purposes, teaching, classroom projection and research only. Permission to publish these digital files in any form must be obtained from the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library at Texas Tech University.