A new map of Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico, and Indian Territories
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Scale approximately 1:7,000,000.
1 map : color ; 36 x 30 cm
"Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1856 by Charles Desilver in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania."
Includes topographic features. Indicates locations of forts. Shows Apache Trail, Fremont's Route, Lewis and Clark Route, and other named routes. Identifies Santa Fe Trail as Santa Fe Route. Shows Oregon Trail identified as Oregon Route. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Shows routes of Pacific Railroad.
1 map : color ; 36 x 30 cm
"Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1856 by Charles Desilver in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania."
Includes topographic features. Indicates locations of forts. Shows Apache Trail, Fremont's Route, Lewis and Clark Route, and other named routes. Identifies Santa Fe Trail as Santa Fe Route. Shows Oregon Trail identified as Oregon Route. Indicates Native American inhabitation. Shows routes of Pacific Railroad.
The images in this collection are for study purposes, teaching, classroom projection and research only. Permission to publish these digital files in any form must be obtained from the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University, 806-742-9070 or email reference.swco@ttu.edu.