The Hispanic Oral History Project

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    Ramon Abarca oral history interview 2023-01-17
    This interview features Ramon Abarca as he discusses his life and background working in the educational field. In this interview, Mr. Abarca describes his early childhood education before moving on to recall his college education and how he got involved in the field of education. Topics covered include working at Lubbock High as counselor and assistant principal, before moving on to explain his transfer to the Uvalde Consolidated school district.
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    Karla Rosa Vargas oral history interview 2018-07-25
    This interview features Karla Rosa Vargas as she discusses he journey through becoming an activist. She describes how she got involved with activism and her plans for activism in the future.
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    Mike Torres oral history interview 2012-02-17
    This interview features Mike Torres as he describes the struggles he has faced throughout his life because of discrimination and racism. Mike begins describing his encounters with discrimination and racism from an early age, then moved on to explain those same experiences in the work place.
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    Mike Torres oral history interview 2012-01-24
    This interview features Mike Torres as he discusses his life growing up in Lubbock Texas. In this interview, Mike describes the discrimination he faced while living in Lubbock and attending school. Mike also explains his job as a police officer at the University Medical Center.
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    Vilsen Salinas oral history interview 2012-09-15
    This interview features Vilsen Salinas as he discusses growing up in Lubbock and pursuing an education. In this interview, Salinas describes his father's influence and encouragement that led him to pursuing a college degree. Salinas also explains getting into law and practicing law.
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    Froy Salinas oral history interview 2008-06-30
    This interview features Froy Salinas as he discusses his involvement in politics and the 2008 presidential election.
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    Amanda Salazar oral history interview 2015-07-31
    This interview features Amanda Salazar. Salazar talks about growing up in Lubbock and her involvement with the Miss Hispanic Lubbock pageant, which she eventually won. Salazar also talks about attending Texas Tech and her major in biochemistry.
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    Maria Rivas oral history interview 2010-03-03
    This interview features Maria Rivas as she discusses her life and background living in Texas. In this interview, Rivas describes her love for education and how she got a job in the educational field, and the trials and tribulations she faced while growing up. Maria Rivas, a Texas Tech University Alumnus, talks about her experiences growing up in Pecos, Texas and life at Texas Tech University during the mid 1960s. She discusses her views on bilingual education, racial discrimination and Los Tertulianos (Texas Tech’s first minority student organization.)
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    America Ramos oral history interview 2011-01-25
    This interview features America Ramos as she discusses her involvement with the fiestas and pageants in Lubbock. In this interview, Ramos describes her life growing up and leaving school to support her family. She then details her fight for getting her children better education. She recounts the pageants she has worked on and her continuing fight to help children that were failed by the education system. America Ramos was also involved in the Lubbock Beauty Pageant Fiesta. She speaks about her life, raising kids, her dream about working as a hairdresser, her experience as a beauty pageant consultant and mentoring kids to pass high school.
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    Abel Billy Martinez oral history interview 2012-08-24
    This interview features Billy Martinez as he discusses his life growing up. Martinez goes on to describe his political views and what got him interesting in fighting for Labor Unions.
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    Noé Lara oral history interview 2009-11-14
    This interview features Noé Lara as he discusses growing up and being the first in his family to attend college. Lara also describes being a Chicano activist. This interview conducted during Los Tertulianos’ reunion 2009 fits within both our Hispanic Heritage and Texas Tech University history collections. Lara was part of the group known as los Tertulianos, Texas Tech’s first minority organization.
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    Tomas Garza oral history interview 1998-08-18
    This interview features Tomas Garza as he discusses his life and background as well as his education at Texas Tech. In this interview, Garza describes his college career at Texas Tech, his decision to get a law degree, and his thought on the Hispanic community in Lubbock. Tomas Garza discusses his life and career as an attorney.
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    Fidela Perez De Lira oral history interview 2009-11-14
    This interview features Fidela Perez De Lira as she discusses her life growing up in Lubbock, and working in the medical field as a nurse. In this interview, Fidela describes why her family moved to Lubbock and what it was like growing up in the town. She then moves on to explain how she got into college, her career, and her involvement with Los Tertulianos.
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    Alfredo H. Benavides oral history interview 2015-10-06
    This is the second in a series of interviews featuring Alfredo Benavides. In this interview, Benavides recounts his doctoral research, his employment at different universities, and programs/initiatives he set up in those universities to benefit the Chicano community.
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    Alfredo H. Benavides oral history interview 2015-09-28
    This interview features Alfredo Benavides, who discusses his family history, growing up in Texas, things that made a mark on him growing up, his college career, and his time spent in Michigan. Benavides went to Texas A&I university for undergraduate school, then pursued a graduate degree at Michigan state, originally in Spanish, but later transferred to education.
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    Sinforoso Urbina Sanchez oral history interview
    This interview features Sinforoso Sanchez as he discusses his life in Texas and Colorado. In this interview Sinforoso describes his family life when he was growing up and how it changed after he moved to Colorado. He also covers a variety of topics ranging from music to immigration.
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    Robert Rodriguez oral history interview
    This interview features Robert Rodriguez, who discusses his early life, family, education, and experiences as a manager, parent, and community leader.
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    Juan Chadis oral history interview
    Juan Chadis discusses his childhood growing up in Lubbock and his appointment as a city councilman after his return to Lubbock.
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    Margaret Reyez Ceja oral history interview
    Margaret Ceja describes moving to Lubbock and her activism in the Democratic Party.