Graham, E. S. (Edwin Smith), -1899.2014-05-232014-05-231889-08-22 sheet (1 pdf page) ; 28 cm.Open letter from E.S. Graham, real estate agent in Graham, Tex., to owners of Peters Colony (Tex.) lands regarding the issue of whether freeholder/owners or lessee/stockmen are good (or bad) for the value of the lands in question. Graham is replying to Webb & Hill (realtors from Albany, Tex.) who used citations from Graham in letters to land owners of Peters Colony land defending the nomadic/lessee system of land use when Mr. Graham in reality felt this system harmed the value of the land.1 sheeten-USThe images in this collection are for study purposes, teaching, classroom projection and research only. Permission to publish these digital files in any form must be obtained from the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University, 806-742-9070 or email' Colony.Graham, E. S. (Edwin Smith), -1899.Graham (Tex.)Young County (Tex.)Land tenure.Respectfully to the owners of Texas Peters’ Colony lands : the question is...Text