Complimentary To Coaches Cawthon And Smith And To The Matadors ^ • —From A Tech Booster Clark-Key Clinic-Hospital V. V. Clark M.D. n. nn Rey, B.. Ns B. Irder=tine & Obstetrics Br Surgery Recto Lee Croce Registrar And RUsiness Manager Residence P,me UM Residence Phone 1760 Office phone 1.119-1415 Office Phone WW. 1.115 Office Rom, .1 a. m. Sundays .1 by appointment "Real Roofs" A LYDICK ROOFING -COMPANY Established 1890 WINNERS ALL - - - TECH "RED RAIDERS" Bob Smart Shoes, Stetson Hats, Griffon Suits, Cooper's Sox And Underwear Phone the Results "Long Distance" to those left at home— Southwestern Associated Telephone Co. KERR BROS. Pine Vara There Is Nothing Like Natural Gas . for Cooking ... Water Heating ... Refrigeration .... House Heating West Texas (Was Co. Good Gas With Dependable Service The Ga-Wa Now Enlarged For Your Convenience Keeping In Step With the Growth of Texas Tech "On The Drag" Sodas Sandwiches Sundries 1311 College Ace. Phone 171 DR. BRADFORD KNAPP President Page Four You Have Our Support In Building a Good Team You'll need our services and coopera- tion when you build a home— Telford Lumber Co. Yards Lubbock Whiteface Anton Wolff orth This Space Compliments of BROADWAY AND LYRIC Theatres Photos of Matadors in this Program by Daniel Studios BUSH BLDG. Between Hemphill.Welle end Bdwy, Dodge -- Plymouth Sales--Service Dependable Used Cars ^ meat Mr all makee of ewe ^ Beasley Motor Co. 1.002 Ave. J Phone *on Three Sure WInnere—Matadors—Dodge—Plymouth Fight Matadors We are behind you and for you in all your games ... either here or in other parts of the nation-- at& TA/LOP. DUTCHY SMITH Line Conch BERL HU.7.71VIAN Freshman Coach Page sere Hotel Lubbock ... Before and After the Game 300 Rooms of Comfort, Convenience, Service Phone 381 1116 Ave. X Tech Students, Alumni, Fans and Friends Are Always Wel- come at Lubbock's Rendezvous—for Business and Pleasure Delirious Food Coffee Shop Moderate Prices SHERROD BROS. Sporting Good Dept. The newest and largest in the Panhandle selling direct to the school Everything For Any Sport 1016 Broadway Lubbock, Texas TOOT" BACK IN FOOTBALL Ile foot has returned to football in a big way. Because of the hree points which a field goal is worth or even the extra point after touchdown, coaches again are directing part of their talents toward developing men who can boot the pigskin over the cross. bars as well es run with it. You need look no further back than last season to find how valuable are these points gained by kicking. The pesky extra point after touchdown, for example, changed the complexion of seventy games in 1935 and brought disaster to many teams which previously had been unbeaten. From mart to finish, kicking points played a big part in last year's gridiron campaign. Perhaps the best example of how valuable the extra point iswas seen in the case of Princeton. The mighty Tigers might never have completed a perfect scaeon had it not been for the margin offered by the placement .deer touchdown. In their closest game of the season, the opening day battle against Pennsylvania, the Tigers were whipped for three periods. They finally tallied in the last quarter and woo, 7-6, merely by capitalising on the save point. And thumbing through the pages of 1935 gridiron history we come to a game which climaxed a kicking .88011— the Sugar Bowl classic between Texas Christian and Louisiana State. A kick also decided that one. A field goal by Tuldon Manton gave, T. C. U. victory by the narrowest possible margin of three to two. Stanford, which won the Rose Bowl classic from Southern Methodist, found that kicking was both good and bad — depend. ing on who did the booting. The Palo Alto Indians suffered their first Pacific Coast Conference defeat in three years when an CM. point off the toe of Ted Key caused them to be humiliated, 74, by U. C. L. A. But on the favorable side of the ledger, Stanford won three games by capitalizing on field goals. Twice "Monk" Moscrip kicked them to defeat Santa Clara and Souther. California, while against Washington he booted a pair to enable the Indians to triumph, 6.0. It's a for cry back to the days of Charley Brickley of Harvard and no coach in recent years has uncovered a drop.kicker who can match Brickley. So far, emphasis has been laid upon place. meet hooters. But don't be surprised if a drop.kicking fool is uncovered this year because a number of coaches have been developing that type of player during the summer months. TAYLOR'S "South Plains Leading Merchant Tailors" Ladies and Men's Made To Measure Garments 1008 13th St. Phone 866 The ColleOate Barrier-"Durham_, Cleanest. Most Modem Foun- tain Service And Confection- ery On College Avenue Built For Your Convenience And Pleasure Dependable Merchandiae (Incorporated) PAUL BARRIER, Mgr. Phone 213 U Crane And 'Loaf' Weds lack and Epp Crab Servie' e And Dehneria College Averts* Thane 2272 The best place to buy everything you wear Sab-starion City Cab PENNEY'S For School Values Where The Student Shops And Saves We Are Always Behind Tech Matadors Win Or Lose Make Penney's Your Downtown Headquarters C . PUNNT Lobbeck—Ws Peaney's F.Invd.ray and Ave= J saw mew V"Buy Used Books and Save" • Tennis Rackets and Stringing Book Store a ARSITy Typewriters — Radios — Stationery ubocli• Taxan PHONE: 1014 A Smart Quarterback Will Call For A Ride In A 1936 CHEVROLET "The Only Complete Low Priced Car" Kuykendall Chevrolet Co. 'We Know Chevrolet— You Know Us" LUBBOCK, TEXAS COLLEGE AVENUE DRUG The Drag's Newest Drug Is Now Opei For Your Inspection Make This Place Your Meeting Place After the Game Drugs, Sandwiches, Sodas, and Sundries 211 College Ave. Next to Tech Theater Page Eleve Texas Tech Football Roster No. Nal. Poa WL 12 Reeee, Harry 13B 146 Royce City ---13 Cannon. Damp IC/ Q. 165 Sinton 14 Chapman. mike KB 160 1. 13 Chernosky, 711 HO 170 Ennie 16 Johnson. Earl C 170 Delbert --20 Duval, Charley CD 170 Sherman 21 Tarbox, Elmer P73 170 Iliggins 22 Curfnum. liaamond E 170 Electra 23 Smit.. NB 165 Del Rio 94 Alnder, Louis C 175 11 uskgee. Okla 27 Heme. center T 180 Greenville 20. Neill, Jim— HB 180 Brownfield 29 Broom. Jim 0 190 Kerrville 30 W.I.. J. W. E 135 Hematite 82 Plummer. Alan FS 190 Beaumont 94 Neeley. Thom. QB 105 Sayre. Okla, 37 Greene, Wilmer 0 100 38 JAIggington. Toz C 190 Chillicothe 39 Sue, Winn, BB 160 Hobert Lee 41 Philinick. Goo. E 175 42 Winter. Geo. PH 190 45 Murphy. Abe T 209 Beaumont SoErola. AIWn T 903 Taylor 43 Barnett Gene HB 175 Lubbock 49 /toilet,. Henry PIP 190 Lubbock 60 Owesm, Alton 0 101 Llttlefield 51 Quick. Fnuak 190 Sberman 53 Owens, Pete 0 33 Latlefield 54 Jones. LOWil Bine 0 G 908 Cleburne 53 Latch. Leonard 0 907 Cam 56 WIlson, Clyde T Panhandle —57 /3rowning. Leslie- T 206 1,1 UVEL1^11(1 58 Browning, Jesse T 903 59 Wimberly. O. B. T 908 Lubbock 60 OverMn, Elbert C 916 HI. Sumner. N. N. 0PPleten, L. G 170 Baird 60.-_Pamsey. Hembel E 106 Chillicothe 63 Holcomb, BIII T 920 Sulphur Talleferro. Lloyd T 193 Plainview Codelte E 106 Lubbock Jarrett West Drug Co. 1314 Bdwy. Phone 160 The Finest Clothing You Have Ever Worn Hand Tailored Suits By I-Tart Schaffner & Marx [SIVE IN LUBBOCK WITH 22 ^B te s. Oklahoma A. & M. Starting Line-Up giF,;„ 11-1,7"ry Blocking backs and interference—Fifty thousand wild adherents—Tackle thrusts and headlong clashes, Two yard bucks and dizzy dashes, Spiral punts and forward passes, Run the end GO hit the line, Driving on by leg and spine, Head and shoulder, heart and soul, Till you fall across the goal. .— • asurrkei2 aittyka edve,4 _ Texas Tech Starting Line-Up .7;ey L.877311, W1ggrton Ovgn J.13rignIng Zeal OFFICIALS Referee Lipscomb (Centre) Umpire Sweeney (Bethany) Headlinesman Dunlop (Oklahoma) Field Judge Mathews (Texas Christian) Student Manager Herman Thornton Texas Tech Roster .„. 14 Mmes. Se Ne.I, "MNIe-re" et1. • 62 Okla. A & M Roster TED COX .I5 carer c WELCOME PARENTS kuaaa. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 13-14 is A Bib Gantt' With PHILIP HUSTON JAMES GLEASON JUNE TRAVIS BRUCE CABOT ANDY DEVINE 1;2*":'"'ZIOtAtt ALSO— SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS AFTER THE GAME COME TO THE PREVUE 1200 ALSO SUN., MON. and TIJES. To Captains Demp Cannon and Lewis Jones and all the squad—we wish you loch-.- "Here Are The Balls, Captains--Take Em To Town" It's our business to "take em to town" twenty-four hours every day with good low coat electricity to the homes and commercial enterprises of this territory. TEXAS UTILITIES COMPANY Page Beventm Oklahoma A. and M. Roster No. Name Po. Wt. Town 21 Fletcher. Jack E 175 22 Cellar, Bob .0 160 24 Patton, J. T 186 Perry 25 Asbury. L. B. IS 169 McAlester 26 Wyatt. Shelby T 166 Perkins 27 Or.. Stan it 165 23 Settles, Dan NB 165 Wewoka 29 Loving. M. C 215 Enld 30 1333333. I30133d E 135 133133 31 Baker. Jack 180 Stigler 32 Darts. George G 205 Erick 33 1.330.313. Allie HB 170 Oklahoma City 34 ...Birmingham. N. on 173 Thiliondngo 95 Coffey. C. 165 Duncan 36 Browning. 130313Or 1.0 105 Clinton 37 We.. kleiville FS 180 POD. Cit3 36 Long. Bruce C 160 °Mamma City 33 Case. Rom on 166 Dewey Johnelon. Harvey KB 170 Tuttle 41 nOclS,6145 a., QB 070 6130110 42 Neill, Prim. T 195 Porter 44 Wiliam. Bob T 190 Erick 46 Bennett. Paul IL 174 Yale 49 sharp. Jack 7 194 Holeenville 51 Stuart. Ned HB 175 Shettuck 53 Cox. Bob FB 160 StIllwater 59 Bradley. Pay HB 175 31.13M3ler 55 Vogler. Overige C 195 Yale 55 Cramer, Nick On 160 113330113 57 Howell, Leo NB 179 Atoku 81 Wine.. Paul F15 175 Shattuck 65 Smith, Char. CI 250 Nee.. 'do Page Sixteen Hurrah For The Matadors! TECH Theatre Lubbock's Newest Theater --- Let's Win For The Matadors, And Then See Walter Huston In "Rhodes" Diamond Master Empire Builder Jungle Conqueror Preview Tonight 11:30 Sun., Mon. and Tues. The Hilton Hotel Joins all the football fans in Lubbock and West Texas in hearty congratulations on the new and improved Grand Stand and greatly increased seating capacity. We Predict A Great Season But Win or Lose We're With You J. B. Asbury, outstanding end for th Aggies, comes from McAlester, Okla. lie w ighs 189 and plays a consistent game at a term .1 post L M. Drown Manager Ray Bradley, Stillwater, fills a halfback posi- tion tonight. Watch this No, 54 for the Aggiei. embossed ve and unse appeal. csonal 118d. 50c, $1.00, Kstore Correct stab Leatherette usual—with Lay away not See our displ. $1.25 and $1.1 Texas Page shotee PE, Eight.. rnoaNTST.Can Texas Tech Annual Souvenir FOOTBALL PROGRP Season of 193 TIBLISHEILta MITA6 DO Page Twenty Page Twanty-one Nationally Advertised Merchandise —such as Manhattan Shirts, Knox Hats, Fashion Park Suits— Football Ticket Headquarters haft's Store for glen Ted Cos, head coach et Oklahoma A. M.. went mentor. of the nation. After I....tilling new oPiOt in the Sooner State Institution he ha. great hopes for tonight, mme. HANNA-POPE 1111 Broadway —Kuppenheimer Clothes —Griffin Clothes —.Jepson Shirts —Stetson Hats —Cooper Underwear —Smith Smart Shoes —Fortune Shoes Clothes Count In Sports Affairs— ',When else but Craig-Oho.. cm you get much well Informed amistmce In proper CraigGholson Co. Lubbock You may enjoy betting on your Favorite team-- BUT WHY GAMBLE WHEN YOU BUY A BATTERY—THERE IS NO GAMBLE WHEN YOU BUY A USL BATTERY ISEEHREITTOCEREEREF QUICKSALL-PRYOR CO. AUTOMOBILE UPLIES, PARTS AND EQUIPMENT — WHOLPSATI. 1108.10 Main SL •Phom EN, L. O. No. Lubbock. Team Yea, Matadors Baldridge's Sally Ann Bread and Cakes We Are For You 1018 Bdwy. Co-Eds' Down Headquarters Phone 922 etown YoWe Air-Conditioned PIGGLY WIGGLY QUALITY 0. ECONOMY Good Luck, Matadors! We Are Behind You! Lubbock Hotel Laundry One Day Service That Will Please You Phone 1442 Cash and Carry at College Tailors John McKinzie GOOD LUCK MATADORS LUBBOCK COTTON OIL CO. Fight 'Em Gang We're For You Official Photographers For Texas Tech Tech Studio 2415-A Main St. Phone 2730 p. page Twenty-two Page Teeenty-thre Terry and Childress Complete Hardware Service Matador Boosters Spalding and Goldsmith Sporting Goods Rah Rah Rah! Red Raiders, Win or Lose, We Are For You Everybody's Store Tech Drug 1101 College Avenue Page Twenty-1Iv A Complete Shop for Co-Eds Ladies' Wear — Millinery and Shoes Jarrett's Cindarella Shop Compliments Of Buick's the buy Tech's the bet K Pi um =vs Shoes for Ed and Co-ed Scoggin-Dickey Motor Co. 1007 Avenue d Tel 2033 BUICK Authorized Sales And Service Compliments of Texas Tech Press Tech Proem haft given employment la more then 90 stutlen. enabling them la atter. Tech. Page Twenty-S. Page Twenty-seVe For Fine Foods Shoes Dyed Patronize Any Color Furr Food All Work Guaranteed Store Tech Shoe Shop Lubb k' F t Food A...S. .... A.....U. WI H8S I I' 1'10 : o o t' —smrtly styled HENS WEAR PATTON'S 1103 Broadway V Union Tele- g Co. \ \ Ride Your Measag. .d pre. may be filed with Western Union Operator in pre. box—top of grand stan d. Direct Iiiire- 11111.1.41111.1"---_ . 1 To Games ed , , Fmr o am T wire from Matador : Bryant held. Keep folks at home posted as to pro- grass ma atrAV ' Taxi BO SEXTON, Mgr. ilef • '. fre Careful - rr: 0 Drivers r,'i-;-..:' Phone 70 OFFICES 1203 Bdwy. We Believe in Tech We will not miss a Lubbock Fruit and You Believe in Us Home Football Vegetable Co. • Game LATHIEST IIISTRIBUTORS OE Tip Top Cafe LUBBOCK MUSH FRUIT AND NATIONAL MESH VEGETABLES BANK IN THE SOUTHWEST 1.1.0111,01,13I Lubbock's Largest Exclusive Men's Store Embroidery Department John B. Stetson Hats You Heusen Shirts B. V. D. Underwear Packard Shoes Silk.o.Line Ties Club Clothes Cowboy Boots Uniforms Rose Clothes Luggage Hickok Belts Jackets Weyenberg Shoes Wear Plus Sox Work Clothes Overcoats "EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS" THE HUB CLOTHIERS PRIZE - WINNER Girl .. Dog .. Cigarette — Lucky Strike, of course. For "It's Toasted," a process which is private and exclusive with Lucky Strike Cigarettes, allows delicate throats the full, abiding enjoyment of rich, ripe-bodied tobacco. "Toasting" removes certain harsh irritants present in even the finest tobaccos in their natural state. "Toasting" is your throat protection against irritation — against cough. So, for your throat's sake, smoke Lyckies. a OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO —.‘ITt TOASTED ROOM' H. GRAYSON