Rdno WIWI, R. N., A. Supervisor And Anaesthesia Julian Williamson lAborstory Mr. E Adair. R. N. Assistant Mrs. Vernon Neill Mne Shearer Assistant Berta Lee Croce Registrar And Business Manager Residence isycle SASS Residence Phone 17SS Office Phone 1.11.1-1413 Office Phone 1.11.I. 1HS Office Hours: 61Y m. Sundays 611 by appointment WINNERS ALL - - - TECH "RED RAIDERS" Bob Smart Shoes, Stetson Hats, Griffon Suits, Cooper's Sox And Underwear Complimentary To Coaches Cawthon And Smith And To The Matadors ^ ^ —From A Tech Booster Clark-Key Clinic-Hospital Man Rey. 0. S. M. D internntgeollii;Ine Obstetrics A SurgerY "Real Roofs" LYDICK ROOFING COMPANY Established 1890 Page On KERR BROS. Page 'Dare PETE CAWTHON Head Coach The Ga-Wa Now Enlarged For Your Convenience Keeping In Step With the Growth of Texas Tech "On The Drag" Sodas Sandwiches Sundries 1311 College Ave. Phone 171 DR. BRADFORD KNAPP President There Is Nothing Like Natural Gas . . for Cooking ... Water Heating ... Refrigeration House Heating West Texas (ias CO. Good Gas With Dependable Service Phone the Results "Long Distance" to those left at home-- Southwestern Associated Telephone Co. This Space Compliments of BROADWAY AND LYRIC Theatres Page Soar 11, BUTCHY SMITH Line Coach Dodge -- Plymouth Sales--Service Dependable Used Cars U wanntny — Greasing — Complete Service Depart- meal for all makes of cars ^ Beasley Motor Co. NOE Ave. d Phone MP Three Sure Winneru--Slatadoru—Dodge—Plymouth Fight Matadors We are behind you and for you in all your games ... either here or in other parts of the nation-- BERL HUFFMAN Freshman Coach Photos of Matadors in this Program by Daniel Studios BUSH BLDG. Between Hemphill-Wells and Bdwy. You Have Our Support In Building a Good Team You'll need our services and coopera- tion when you build a home— Telford Lumber Co. Yards Lubbock Whiteface Anton Wolfforth Co-Ed Beauty Shop Special Attention Given Tech Co-Eds 1116 Ave. Page Sevv coomaocimaco= Before and After the Game Hotel Lubbock SOO Rooms of Comfort, Convenience, Service Tech Students, Alummi, Fans and Friends Are Always Wel- come at Lubbock's Rendezvous—for Business and Pleasure Delicious Food Coffe 3 Shop Moderate Prices SHERROD BROS. Sporting Good Dept. The newest and largest in the Panhandle selling direct to the school Everything For Any Sport 1016 Broadway Lubbock, Texas IKeep An Eye • These Gentlemen BRODDIE WALLER Tackle AL BFASLEE—liard driving Junior Back. Al replaces hard charging Stone, Centenary's No. I tailback. Beasley is also a punter and passer. The Collegiate Barrier-`Durham, Cleanest, Most Modern Foun- tain Service And Confection- ery On College Avenue Built For Your Convenience And Pleasure Dependabk Merclumdise (Incorporated) PAUL BARRIER, Mgr. Phone 21 Come And "Loaf" With Jack and Epp Curb Service And Deliveries The best place to buy ever3-thing you wear 1301 College Avenue Phone 2272 Sub-station City Cab PENNEY'S For School Values Where The Student Shops And Saves We Are Always Behind Tech Matadors Win Or Lose Make Penney's Your Downtown Headquarters In Lubbock—It's Penney', B:cadwav ar.c A‘crale J WARSITNr Y Book Store Lul^Lock, "Buy Used Books and Save" Temds Rackets and Stringing Typewriters — Radios — Stationery PHONE: 1014 BOB DEC Tack, Jarrett- West Drug Co. 1314 Bdwy. Phone 160 Page Twel Texas Tech Football Roster No. Name P.. WL Town 12 Beeee, Harry es 1,g Royce City 13 Cannon, DemP l./ 50 Enton 14 hapman. algae FIB 180 Dallas 15 Chernosity. KB 170 16 Joh... Earl C 170 Dalhart 17Duval. Charley Q. 170 Sherman 21 Tarbox. Elmer FB 170 HIggina 21 Coffman. Raymond E 170 Electra 23 Smith. Ed HE 185 Bel RE 24 Alexander... C 175 Muskogee, 0141a. Hemsel, Chester T 180 Greenvale 1/3 Neill. Jim FIS ISO Browalield 10 Brovm. Jim G . Kerrville E 185 Hemp. 31 Plummer. Alan FB 100 Beam., 31 Neeley. Thomas QB 185 37 Greene. Wilmer G 100 Gelnesville 38 Wiggington, Tom C 100 011111.11, 311, Base, Wirier HE 180 Robert lee 41 Ph..14. Geo. E 175 Deltas 42 Winter, Ceeo. FB 100 Dells 45 Murphy. Abe T 202 Beaumont 48 Katt,. Alvin T 208 Taylm 48 Barnett. Gene NB 176 Lubboch AI Basely. Henry FE 190 Lubbock 50 Owens, Alton 0 181 Littlefield 51 G.MI, Flank C 100 Sharma, 53 Owe. Pete 0 1E3 Littlefield 59 Jones, Lewis (line C1 0 208 Cleburne 55 Latch. Leonard G 207 Oise. 55 Wilmon. Clyde T 200 Panhandle 57 Browning. Lealie T Fluvanne 58 rowning. Joese TAB Pleven. 50 Winiberly, G. B. T 208 Lubbock ell verton, Elbert C 218 Ft. Sumner. N. M. el 0 on. Baird 01 Ramsey. Herahel E 185 chIllicathe 63 Hol.mb, 13111 T 220 Sulphur Sp.ge 65 TMlaterro, Lloyd T 100 Plainview Gentlemen Possess Array Of Talent W. H. (Grandma) STONE—Spear head of Centenary's offense. One of the hardest runners in the South. Excellent passer and does the punting when he's in the game. Arnim. TAYLOR'S "South Plains Leading Merchant Tailors" Ladies and Men's Made To Measure Garments 1008 13th St. Phone 866 A Smart Quarterback Will Call For A Ride In A 1936 CHEVROLET The Only Complete Low Priced Car" Kuykendall Chevrolet Co. "We Know Chevrolet— You Know Us" LUBBOCK, TEXAS COLLEGE AVENUE DRUG The Drag's Newest Drug Is Now Open For Your Inspection Make This Place Your Meeting Place After the Game Drugs, Sandwiches, Sodas, and Sundries 1211 College Ave. Next to Tech Theater ,5,1tAc. Page ThIrteen Centenary Roster Blocking backs and interference—Fifty thousand wild adherents—Tackle thrusts and headlong clashes, °mans trafICA Two yard bucks and dizzy dashes, Spiral punts ana forward passes, Run the end and hit the line, Driving on by leg and spine, smian. Head and shoulder, heart and soul, Till you fall across the goal. Esetor L Prorine Mures Osz Luso:Tins Isr 4:- 141 Centenary Starting Lineup su;rtss OFFICIALS Referee Raps Mathews (T.) Umpire Earl Dapvault Heedlinesman Louie Lone (SAC) Field Judge Maxie Hart (Texas Ul Student Maualles Herman Thornton Beat Centenary And After The Game Celebrate At The Previe;L:foMte Lindsey Previee Tonight 12:10 Also Sunday-Monday-Tuesday HE 010 HIS BEST WORK IN THE CLINCHES; Mc MARION DAVIES CLARK GABLE CAIN a,,,dM ABEL AUX 111111 111151 "Bru'enaZ". Fred Stone Betty Geed. —In— "Don't Turn 'Em Loose" Hurrah For The Matadors! The Hilton Hotel Joins all the football fans in Lubbock and West Texas in hearty congratulotions on the new and improved Grand Stand and greatly increased seating capacity. We Predict A Great Season But Win or Lose We're With You L. M. Drown Manager "COME IN AND BROWSE" Page NMetee 205 209 215 170 170 198 105 .0 195 107 Centenary Roster O. NAME POS. 39 Stokes. Lee . Burgesa. Ha: aa Sawlinso. Oghourn aa HoWard • Haygood, Charlie 2i: Robinson. SSW r3 Zimmerman. Joe 37 Sm.. Claude 32 Waller. Broddie r10 Decker. Bob 30 Vine.. Turner Nipper. Thomas • Ed as Hooper, Howard 0 Warren. Curtis • McDaniel. Harry Sch... Ed Huddleston. Lanford E 22 Stone, W. H. 25 Thomas, Clarlle 20 Beasley. Al :5 Maroc, Mlle Dean. Willard 71 Spar., Middy Pane Slateen Nationally Advertised Merchandise —such as Manhattan Shirts, Knox Hats, Fashion Park Suits— Football Ticket Headquarters 111 1 II alton'e More for Aim LEE STORRS. 303 pound center. captains the Ovals tonIght_ ea ot only turns in a go. performance at the pivot post but le a toe sut.t. He has a 1035 record of nine successful try-fo,points out of ten boots. He aRo la the Gentlemen, kickoff man. noTnIVWX"Zneu Texas Tech Annual Souvenir FOOTBALL PROGRAM Season of 1936 PUBLUEIHED BY MATADOR OLDS Red Raiders Texas Tech 1936 Football Schedule Sept. 10—Texas Wesleyan. 7; Tech. 36 Sept. 26—Texas Chrlstlan Univ.. 0; Tech. 7 OcL 3—Oklahoma City Only- St Tech. 34 c. cM. Unveraity. St Tech. 0 oat. 34--Centenary College—Lubbook Hotne Coming Nov. 6—Oklahoma A. A 31.—Lutilmelf Paret, Day NO, 11—X., 0311Ve —Loa Angeles Nov. ZI—De Paul Univers-Ay—Lubbock Nov. 26—Loyola of South—New Orleans Thankagh5.6 Dee. 5—ArIxona Dulvensity—Tuceon To Captains Demp Cannon and Lewis Jones and all the squad—we wish you luck— "Here Are The Balls, Captains--Take Em To Town" It's our business to "take em to town" twenty-four hours every day with good low coat electricity to the homes and commercial enterprises of this territory. TEXAS UTILITIES COMPANY Page Save.. Page Twenty HANNA-POPE 1111 Broadway —Kuppenheimer Clothes —Griffin Clothes —Jayson Shirts —Stetson Hats —Cooper Underwear —Smith Smart Shoes —Fortune Shoes You may enjoy betting on your Favorite team-- BUT WHY GAMBLE WHEN YOU BUY A BATTERY—THEIRS IS NO GAMBLE WIIEN YOU BUY A USL BATTERY IMEICEICYZEMDEEEBeit QUICKSALL-PRYOR CO. J. L. Wawa 1r.rw. C. 01700 , P AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIESARTS AND EQUIPMENT — WHOLESALE 1108-10 Main St. Phone 840-7 L. D. No. 1 Lubbock. Tex. Clothes Count In Sports Affairs-- ••Where else but Cretg-GholaortS cm you get NM well Informed maletance In proper clOthes eeleellon, CraigGholson Co. Lubbock Yea, Matadors Baldridge's Sally Ann Bread and Cakes We Are For You TECH Theatre Lubbock's Newest Theater Welcome Alumni and Ex-Students Let's Win For The Matadors Then See "A Tale of Two Cities" Featuring Ronald Coleman Preview Tonight Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday Also Comedy and News Admission 10c and 20c TOM COLE Centenary Line Coach Page Eighteen Phone 922 1018 Bdwy. • Page Twanty-tEree Co-Eds' Downtown Headquarters riTy1719 Air-Conditioned Lubbock Hotel Laundry One Day Service That Will Please You Phone 1442 Good Luck, Matadors! We Are Behind You! Cash and Carry at College Tailors John McKinzie GOOD LUCK MATADORS LUBBOCK COTTON OIL CO. Fight 'Em Gang We're For You Official Photographers For Texas Tech Tech Studio 2415-A Main St. Phone 2730 Page Twenty-two Terry and Childress Complete Hardware Service Matador Boosters Spalding and Goldsmith Sporting Goods A Common Carrier With Daily Service Rah Rah Rah! Red Raiders, Win or Lose, We Are For You Everybody's Store Compliments Of Jarrett's Cindarella Shop A Complete Shop for Co-Eds Ladies' Wear — Millinery and Shoes Page Twentprour Age Twenty... Tech Drug 1101 College Avenue Shoes for Ed and Co-ed Scoggin-Dickey Motor Co. 1007 Avenue J Tel 2033 BUICK Authorized Sales And Service Tech's the bet Buick's the buy Compliments of Texas Tech Press Tech Press hue given employment to more than 90 atudents, enabling them to attend Tee, Page Twenty-six For Fine Foods Shoes Dyed Patronize Any Color Furr Food All Work Guaranteed Store Tech Shoe Shop Lubb k' Foremost Food ".........."t's "DisstribuToross —smartly styled MENS WEAR PATTON'S 1103 Broadway Western 14 .,4 V'. Ride Union Tele- Z. .te ', To and From graph Co. 7, to 66 a Games in s Y our Messages and , ., Bry ant press may be filed with ,,, 04,,,„ Taxi Western Union Opera- "ley -4•4ZIN" Careful for in press box—top of I y 41,-. Drivers grand a t and. Direct f 4'..4 ,at.4 r' Phone 70 w.e from Matador ..7 OFFICES field. Keep folks at home posted as to pro- grew of game, 1)(4,A7S 7- ' . 4 1203 Bdwy. BO SEXTON, Mgr. a _. 7 / Must Have Thrown MC or oils/aka' We Believe in Tech We will not miss a Lubbock Fruit and You Believe in Us Home Football Vegetable Co. Tip Top Cafe Game LARGEST DISTRIBUTORS OF LUBBOCK FRESH FRIIIT AND NATIONAL FRESH VEGETABLES BANK m THE SOUTHWEST Page Twenty-eight Lubbock's Largest Exclusive Men's Store Embroidery Department John B. Stetson Hats Vanteusen Shirts B. V. D. Underwear Packard Shoes Silk-o-Line Ties Club Clothes Cowboy Boots Uniforms Rose Clothes Luggage Hickok Belts Jackets Weyenberg Shoes Wear Plus Sox Work Clothes Overcoats "EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS" THEt HU CLOTHIERS OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO —"IT'S TOASTED" YOU...and a LIGHT SMOKE It is a Lightness in the smoke that makes people clust.e Luckies. A rich, clean Lightness in the taste. A smooth Lights of "feel" in the throat. Puff by puff, a delightful setts, of ease. From the choosing of the finest center-leaf tobacens —to the "Toasting" which removes certain harsh irritant, naturally present in all tobacco, every careful measure of Lucky Strike's manufacture is designed to please you more...to offer A Light Smoke of rich, ripe-bodied tobacco.