Pragram TOXilEr tri,eriptatogicat Firt7,1Foot11a11 05ame U 13 :ti LH p. I ANDERSON BROS. Jewelers Headquarters For Tech Jewelery SEE THIS NEW JEWELERY STUDENTS We are Headquarters for SHINES MAGAZINES- — -- We Appreciate Your Business YELLOW JACKETS SHINE PARLOR SMOKES NICE PLACE FOR LADIES Dewey Cravens, Prop. Lubbock' Texas 1113 Ave. J Barrier Bros. —The Plains Biggest Department Store- LUBBOCK, -:- TEXAS Through an act of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of Texas the Texas Technological College was founded and after much consideration was located in Lubbock, Texas. By virtue of its location Lubbock promises to be an ideal site for this new, great institution of West Texas. Situatml in the great South Plains which is one of the world's greatest cotton areas. the school can offer many practical opportunities for learning, especially M the textile departments, which are deniod many other similar schools. This school was established throph the untiring efforts of Woos Texans for the boys and girls of West Texas, for the cultivation of upright citizenship, clean sportsmanship and true learning. Because of the prevalent West Texas spirit in the school, and because most of the athletic teams will be composed of West Texas boys. mo are assurod of the dean playing, nevemsay-die spirit of all teams presenting the Tech. Weare also assured of the ability of the teams that they will be among the best, because of the good fortune of siring Coach Id. Y. Froehtinl and his Ale assistant Coach Higginbotham. NISLAR HARDWARE COMPANY Styleplus Clothes FOR MEN and YOUNG MEN $25 to $40 Fully Guaranteed WHOLESALE & RETAIL Lubbock, Texas 1 Mow 'em down Matadors we're with you MINTER-GAMEL CO. IT PAYS TO DRESS WELL Zip Toacizes Coach E. Y. Freeland, head coach of Texas Tech isone of the most capable football mentors to be found in the southwest. Being an All-American tackle from Vanderbilt University he knows the playing side as well as the theoretical side of the game. Prior to his coming to Tech he was Co-Director of Athletics at Southern Methodist University and was recognized as the most proficient line coach in the Southwestern Conference. Much is expected from Coach Freeland at Tech. Coach Higginbotham, an Ex-A. & M. man and All-Southwestern Back, is assistant to Freeland and coaches the backfield. Ile is a strong believer in the open style play used by Freeland and is a great aid to the head coach. Coming from Daniel Baker College to Tech Coach Higginbotham promises to be a main figure in the coaching staff at Tech. AFTER THE GAME Meet Your Friends at THE PALACE THEATRE Home of Paramount Pictures Coming to McMurray as its first football coach and by putting a winning team in the field the first year Coach Medly has won the respect of all Texas as a football mentor. Hailing from Missouri Weslyn he is a dangerous man to any football team and is a strong believer in clean, hard-hitting football. IllTrite-up of Coaches (cantinueb) BELL ICE CREAM The Favorite Everywhere Bell cis 5c. everywhere BELL ICE CREAM CO. "The Better Kind" PHONE 373 R. C. SMITH, Mge. vie The Elk Barber Shop MERRILL HOTEL BLDG. 1018 AVE. I A SERVICE THAT PLEASES ASK THE JUDGES McWHORTER-ROBERDS WE CATER TO YOUNG MEN TRADE Fashion Park and Adler Collegian Corner Merrill Hotel ',I:F..1 (antes at the ("fair Wednesday, Sept. 30th, 4 p. m.—Slaton vs. Spur. (H. S,) Thursday, Oct 1st, 4 p. m.—Plainview vs. Lamesa. (H. S.) Friday, Oct. 2nd, 4 p. m.—Lubbock vs. Floydada. (H. SO Saturday, Oct. Sril, 10 a. in.—Littlefield vs. Lorenzo. (H. S,) Saturday afternoon, 4 s. m.--Texas Tech ye. McMurray. LUBBOCK TAILORING COMPANY CLEANERS. DYERS HATTERS PHONE 85 iErcl!'s bliclrbute October (Rd—WM..1w at Lubbock. October:Rh—Austin College at Lubbock. October 171.11—Mantezumn College (N. M.) at Lubbock. October 24 lb—Clarendon College at Lubbock. October 01st—Sul Ross College at Son Angelo Fair. November 5th—Wayland College at Lubbock. November 11th—Abilene Christian College at Abilene. November 18th—Howard Payne College at Brownwood. November 20th—Canyon Normal at Lubbock. BOWEN'S DRUG STORE THE DOWN TOWN CAMPUS Where All Games Are Replayed 1100 AND 1101 TEXAS TECHS FIRST FOOT BALL SQUAD it t ,71, , t !8 '19 I 1;4,- ''.. OAXIEL •ruolos These men carry Tech's colors into their first Gridiron Battle, while the eyes of all West Texas are on them. The question,—"what will Tech do?" is on the lips of all foot-ball fans, and will be answered when the final whistle blows. LUBBOCK'S LARGEST CLOTHIERS FEATURING... Clothing and Furnishings for College Men HOGAN & PATTON ''Tech Men's Down-Town Home" HUIE THE TAILOR PRESSING ---CLEANING—AND AND ALTERATIONS PHONE 193 We cater to Tech Students and Teachers Ortrirtll gran? entlIrs FOR THE COLLEGE MAN THE A. B. CONLEY, JR. STORE PHONE 185 1112 AVE. I COMPLIMENTS CF THEATRE BARBER SHOP WE DO OUR BEST SHORTY FOSTER. PROP. 1020 MAIN 4 r TECH SCORE McMurray Pos. Wt. TECH MCMURRAY Pos. Wt. lsl blankrider ..... 160 W. Daily Brown C 175 ... End 158 Bond G 170 1111111'1 HI H Self G 185 Anthony T 190 11 I 1 1 ii 1: Parks E 165 U Hill Q B 160 'ill III' i 1111111111i11111illillli 11 1 Ledbetter .. H B 115 .„ . Hodges .. F B 165 .114..PttA 4.qt. „;1.4 Hanna . H B 155 g%44.1,,z,s. 4 West End _163 gts,11-giv. ts4 Hunt Q B _154 2d;18:kgV44,1,AllialcaU;4Mgv,71,A,4 Cox &L- Freeman H B 140 Young T 165 D. Hill T 168 Peeples G _196 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH Total • STARTIN LINE-UP TEXAS TECH McMURRY NO. NAME POE SUBSTITUTION NO. NAME POS SUBSTITUTION • 1--- -- L _ 41 it JUST TO BOOST OUR SQUAD Ross Edwards -Inc. ._, . 01Aerr *9na.4144., Where Broadway Begins TECH STUDENTS We welcome you to our town Make our store your headquarters THEATRE CONFECTIONERY 1017 MAIN STREET WEARING APPAREL FOR THE COLLEGE BOY and GIRL n.Salaa Comiao4 - awe/died Nor. - 1113 Broadway TWO STORES: 1007.1009 MAIN and CHERI COSA G. G. JOHNSON DRUGS FOOT BALL WITH THE COMING OF AUTUMN and the falling of the leaves also comes the season of a sport that has been termed as "Fit for Kings." Foot Ball, a true college sport, and one that any red-blooded American is interested in, will be in the lime light now more so than ever before on the Plains. Tech's location will bring representative teams from the best schools to Lubbock and many real games are promised. AS THE BACKS seldom fail to get their credit and praise, we think it appropriate to recite a time-worn tribute to the hard working linemen: "The half may punt for fifty yards, The full may plunge for five, The quarter's the brains for every play And keeps the game alive. But when the tiers Are arock with cheers And the air's like a nip of wine, Here's a toast to the souls Who open the holes Down in the muck of the line." RADIO RECORDS MUSIC WE GOT 'EM RIX FURNITURE CO. Pipe OH file GIME What is the dope on the game? Many people will wonder who the chances are of the Tech winning the first football game. On paper there is very little to say. Being assured of the big fighting spirit which will unquestionably exist in all Tech players and also of the ability of the team through the beat of coaching and because of the wealth of material secured from the leading high schools of the state; we are confronted with only one handicap—the fact that this will be the first game of a new school will he within, itself a great drawback but should this be overcome there is no reason why Tech shouldn't be the superior to any school in its class. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT PHONE 182 GOOD CARE-000D SERVICE U DRIVE 'EM DRIVERLESS CAR STATION 803 BROADWAY LUBBOCK, TEXAS .8881 MEN AND YOUNG MEN MEN OF LIFE AND ACTION appreciate the sort of SHOES 41 we sell at popular prices. YAGER SHOE COMPANY HELBER'S JEWLERY STORE A. E. HELBER JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Lubbock, Texas LARGEST STOCK... --BETTER SERVICE... --BETTER PRICES — COMPLIMENTS OF - Lubbock Laundry Company PHONE 305 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER VISIT US AT NEW PLANT Halsey-Hall Drug Company WE 1 1180 DELIVER a 1181 1115 Broadway We have it--- —Can get it— —Or it isn't made wif i a CHEVROLET NOW 2.000,000 CHEVROLETS 1111 AVE. K PHONE 921 FIGHT 'EM BOYS! FIGHT 'EM HARD! NOTHING IS BETTER THAN A GOOD FOOTBALL GAME FULL OF PEP AND FIGHT AND NOTHING CAN BE BETTER THAN ONE OF GARRETI'S SUITS FULL OF STYLE AND QUALITY. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR MENS AS WELL AS LADIES READY-TO-WEAR. "Just Give Us Your Signal" W. J. GARRETT "The Store For Everybody" Why? 1,^^^^4^ Quality at Low Cost KUY KENDALL CHEVROLET CO. Electric Lunch Room Our own make Pastries Good Coffee INSTANT SERVICE TO THE GAME Get the team in action; you wouldn't part with the picture you will make. TAKE YOUR KODAK Come in and see our line. CITY DRUG STORE 72* tor. Ayr an Game (continues) On the other hand McMurray, also a young school, but playing their third season has several advantages. All things being about equal as to weight, ability, etc., they still have the advantage of a better developed school spirit and a more thorough organization. There is possibility that the first eleven men for Tech will slightly out weigh McMurray, but weight is a small object, for the Indians led by their veteran Captain Hankwriter, to overcome. Considering everything the two teams should be about evenly matched, and a hard fight must be put up by the team that wins. RIDE IN Willys-Knight or Overland You will win your game BECAUSE— You'll be rested and full of pep BRAY MOTOR CO. A.pprerizttion to giterc4auts OUR AIM cr0 SERVE 11011 WELL and Faithfully Always Shepard-Smith Drug Co. IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH We Deliver Tech Faculty and Students invited to make our Store Headquarters FREE Stationery provided for your convenience 918 Main St. Phone 158 S. A. HENRY MANAGER LUBBOCK OFFICE 208 WILSON BLDG. REPRESENTING LUBBOCK, Southwestern Life Insurance Company DALLAS. TEXAS TEXAS Photos of the MATADORS DANIEL STUDIO'S BUSH BUILDING 7,000 ITEMS IN OUR STOCK It may suprise you to know that the Lubbock Drug Company carries about 7,000 different items in stock. We have never counted all the items in our stock yet we imagine that it is as complete as you will find any where. It is necessary for us to keep this big a stock to supply your needs. There is hardly any article you expect to find in a drug store but you can obtain from us. LUBBOCK DRUG COMPANY Phone 252 The Nyal Store The advertisers who appear in this program have mods the under taking a success. They are behind every Tech movement and deserve the undivided patronage of the student body. j- VisATITTION10-WNIDE enney C C • • DEPARTMENT STORES "If Its Hardware We Have It" MYRICK HARDWARE COMPANY Retail Hardware Sporting Goods Phone 127 TELEPHONE 329 OFFICE SUPPLIES LUBBOCK PRINTING COMPANY COMMERCIAL PRINTERS 1116 BROADWAY MARVIN B. HILBURN, Manager LUBBOCK, TEXAS kavOit Tikra Qcs. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES NUNN-BUSH SHOES • "INTELLIGENT CrIURTEOUS SERVICE" 0 E';isiikeocclOC)