tio -DREAM GAM P. Wins Morning News M•sseed es &Rittman'ltip Club WASHINGTON REDSKINS S COLLEGE ALL-STARS COTTON BOWL STADIUM PRICE 25. LABOR DAY 1 9 3 8 L 400,000 Gridiron Fans ... • hoornall games in Dail.. tins season will draw ao te attendance of aoo.000 people . a record 'Ouch will Or unequalled anywhere in the Soot/none. Every month is crowded with "red letter" tl • on Dallas' sports calendar. Football, basket baseball, golf, tennis, boxing, wrestling, boss•• ing, auto races, archery, fishing, hunting, all water sports, cycling, horseback riding, skeet shooting. DALLAS Sports Capital of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce THIS AD CONTRIBUTED BY DALLAS SPORTSNI. N ou Ike to be on the winning ride. So do see. That's why We have distributed the wee make of cars, Chryslers and Plymouths, for more than to yews continuously. Chryslers and Plymouths MT winners. The tutu Plymouths and the t 939 Chryslers will be ready for your critical inspection within a few days. Watch the daily papers for announcement. Slay we have he plra•tirr of showing them to you? C. S. HAMILTON, Pre.dent and General .Sbiredge, C. S. Hamilton Motor Company CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS Bryan and Pearl 7-91.81 A eAppreciation... In sponsoring and managing this Third Annual All-Star-Professional Game, originated locally by The Dallas News, the Salesmanship Club has planned and worked for months to thc end that you might have tonight sixty minutes of the greatest thrills that football can give. If wc have succeeded in giving you the type of game that Dallas and thc Southwest may well be proud of for many Labor Days to comc, it is because of the generous support given us by sports lovers generally, and because of the finc cooperation given the game by the press, radio and other agencies of publicity.. To all those who have assistcd and to those who have donated so generously of their timc, efforts and money, and to the thousands who arc in attendance tonight, we add our "Thanks" to those of the underprivileged children who will benefit by your generosity and support. JORDAN C. OWNBY, President, Salesmanship Club. Complimenting The Salesmanship Club of Dallas and their Camp for Underprivileged Children E. P. GREENWOOD, Perand E. E DALE, Agency Stopervuor A. C. RAINES, .1.erney Direrro. DALLAS CITY AGENCY Sixteenth Floor Kirby Nodding I VLIAR C IlismAN ED. S. BRYANT I rot AXCEL M. aotron 10..4111. Il E. hie COATI, GRORGS G. WPM. JOHN S. COTTON F. GRITTIN ARTHUR Kuriirmenc en II I) %1^Ft. gm^- ti.S.Art A.Y.Z VIEWS AT SALESMANSHIP CLUB CAMP )01111). C OWPI T KB81111 ii1), :us cAstl. BOARD jounded ... with a Purpose The Saksznandup Club's Camp for unilerpras. leged children was founded in tut t at Rachman% lake. (hsginally the camp was gimn over to the orphans of Ihillas for recreation each summer; but as the population of l)alla, intreawd it was derided that the a/deems-11%• children living in homes of the sem aux, needed the esmP th.re than orphans having the care of well established hotnew At the present time, a thousand underpnvi• kited child...111 We assure you of her rootletn and they voll thank you fw t•urt thoughtfulness. HOTEL HITTOBE N.1111l a 11. McClure Elcaric Co. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS NOR Good Stmt DALLAS rh,,f, leo., roe Iloilo. .Nets and .4Seel Store Open all Nigh., QUALIT. it- the WATCHWORD •ii I all %DAV STORRS to oeetr yor 23 VI-HC.,. , Still More All-Stars (1 -;-`1 Cousa• AL.L.SrAlw MARVIN'S Home Owned Drug Stores Watson Company BUILDERS Since DALLAS Tickets for all sports on sale at Marvin's Baker Hold Store Exclusive Downtown Agency for ail S. M. U. Tickets `Did you know... Roy COWAN of Soutloratern Elnolo Eon if ow of dm float ?roam deugove,i. Dolleo? BOOKLETS alOCHURES DHLECT• MAIL SOUTHWEST PRINTING (0 • 1-9211 OHM ghe LAI/Ira' Room ..oloon the Fall &vial Seams Idith XAVIER CUGAT The Tango and Rumba King and His Orchestra .direct from five seasons at New York's WALDORF-ASTORIA and two years at Los Angeles' Coconrvt-r Glum THE BAKER HOTEL 1 Rh. 34 Cola= ALES... r, 35 r3,0 TA LT0.411.N.TVROA[RAI th AG E- Visit e GAZELLE ROOM "The Country's Most Original" at FM/ DALLAS Famon, for Cintkl .nul 'Prc: •Bakr,1 TotatorJ • ADDRESSOGRAPH HISURE SALES AND SERVICE AGENCY • • I F: ONLY AUTNOINSED FACTORY ONNIN11,011 mnson IRSUfif1110E fl6f0CY ED DENNY Ph 11-1:1 411 Sara. F. Seddon, Floe. 9.1)11 American Four-year-old Bonds has t: now rcachcti a price that all can enjoy these fine whiskies. The following brands, we think, arc as fine as can he produced: Belmont. COI proof ... A Schooley Prod. Deem. While Label Scotch. st,s ; t.,1 .s,. Kentucky. 8 you. 31 Bourbon de Luxe. COI ;roof ... Nabonal Delvers N. Plus VW. • S ; t- .. Duntller. Product. Kentucky. 'nor. n:d. Old Sonny Brook. 103 proof ... Hameln: King's Racoon,. '/.1 ; r, t Db011em Product. Koone.ky. Tie .1.., we all lac yew old her. Bilk 11 White. NC 8 .: yo.t. Schooley A 41 A.90 I e ,t • ,o,: 1 Fleischman Gin. 90 wool ... Am ences Cdoodum Wht^Oory Flom GM. Golden Wedding. 90 moot P:orKle ',14. Black A White Scotch. MS proof ... 8 loth Kentucky'. lowel etrourN whiakton yolls o:d call over tout yew. old These fine whiskies and gins can toe purchased as all 'Package Ssares Julius Schepps Wholesale Liquors DALLAS ... LONGVIEW -Now Do You Know Whnh Way to Run?' Cousar Au STSOS VS WANIMIC. Rcosesis Sang 'got J. F. Zimmerman & Sons Signs ... Neori `Displays HIGHT'S 1110TOB HOTEL rnrkisoll SI.T.TS M. ST. PA. O. 7..134 The Place to Eat and Meet the Crowd After the Game Horne of CHICKEN in the ROUGH GREENViii's Tennessee Dairy MILK "The World's Safest LiWk.- r- GOODYEAR TIRES LIFEGUARDS DUNLAP-SWAIN D., n I. • ea ••• Mao OnR•Rwiw • • • Ur Downs. Do*, wi "Onmet ava tip... as dad" HARWOOD AND PACIFIC DALLAS Sporting Goods of all Kinds I Hunting and Fishing Licenses. Equipment and Supplies RED FOX FOOTBALL AND BASEBALL CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT Phone T•6115 —We Deliver Cullum Li Boren Co. IS09-11 Elm St. Dallas REDSKINS... 'Wit WILLIE' WILKIN RAIN,' RAW.. L. Drive in at the Sign of the Pig Coumat ku,Svus rm. 39 REDSKINS WA1,111 011141111 The Drink of Chang 4.rad• NEIL I, ...for a sandwich or • full meal ... in your car, at • convenient counter or in a comfortable dining room. Most of our stands are delightfully air-conditioned. You'll like the delicious foods and temptingly low prices ...the ideal places for breakfast, luncheon, dinner, or the midnight "snack". PIG STANDS, INC. QUALITY FOODS • QUICK COURTEOUS SERVICE • POPULAR PRICES Lingo Lumber Company There i. a MATERIAL Difference Phonc 7-8525 gnningr from SEAY & HALL linters' insurance D D IALAD: altiC W. H. King Construtlion Com pan^ W. EARL KING. !W.f.". fla tveanwsie• Dadaism Plume MOH Twaxrr-riva Vamts m DALLAS CANA.= AI.L.STAna vs. DIRECT MAIL Advertising mimEoGRApilist;... I WANG . II INt: I IS ADVERTISING Pl. \ NS. I. %101"18• (OM• AND Alt I Commercial Printing & Letter Semice Compan^ %CMOS SIX WO, b.*. 918 Santa Fc Budding DALLAS. TEXAS I ciciilionc : f., t4 Guarantee of SAFETY Fat h investor in this A..nciAtion is insured against ht.. u1, to $5,000.0o by an instrumentality of the Federal (;overnMent. We invite your 'nquiry. • DAIJ.A8 WILDING & LOAN ASSN. PMee ,v1:7 Ask your printer to show you samples of ATLANTIC Bond or STRATHMORE Bond for use On your next letter- head. You will be assureti of outstanding quality at a reasonable price. OLMSTED - KIRK COMPANY 0-K 11, DALLAS MAT •ORTN WACO FOOTBALL DEMANDS ENERGY goad GOLMAN BREAD 9/./ AT YOUR GROCER'S WiNTE SLICES IN EVERY 1. I °num ALT. Stun V. WAMMOOTIM REDIM01. 38 Years in Dallas Exline-Lowdon Company 1818 SOUTH ERVAY STREET . PHONE .1 Pioneer Lithographers and Printers Planographing ... Offset Printing and Raised Letter Work Com rot THIS suntan, WI nuns warmer • 05055% Shore Crest Addition rauttful 6lomesttes amr.look;n,S Bachman', La.*, LOVE FIELD COMPANY Ovraws and Doratepats Jerry 0. Spring Dr. W. W. Christopher OPTOMETRIST Hal Pope 0111C IA N New Location Suite 116 Wilson Bldg. Phone 7-1065 GLASSES sgt Lk •••• d, 50, 1/4.1. v...71' REDSKINS A I ROSFNE DISTILLATE GAS OIL DIESEL MOTOR FUEL That Good East Texas Gasoline T. O. P. OIL & REFINING COMPANY GLADEWATFR. TEXAS • ALS.Sr••• Vs SPORT NEWS AND PICTURES 3e rel$ ...the day it happens! RC' a. E:R • DOWN AMATEUR ALLEY by Lou. Co. l'y5DharSIV0faeS • PARDON MY GLOVE by Bill Sinalwoa • SHOTS fnue the RACQUETEER by Dub Soya • FROM BUNKER TO SANDTRAP. • ON THE LINKS. Shots TM.. .1 Rawdem by Candtal Carnet. Man • WHO S WHO IN LOCAL SPORTS • and be. al se., "Am. and Inform. The Times Herald Rough Stuff-- ...YOU'RE BOUND TO LIKE! Yowl ••• ant Abaglerb *Ito or wow* -.- met W... M. *M- ...A •^•• ••• u gam.. I. bac esowlret •^••• mob. (*en • ^••••1 buo ...ay Hart tuallose ••^ M.. ••••••^• yew Mmes. too um ••••••• b. • Now.* ...• •• row MA wrist. $35 Slacks S7.5o up gWifeson Dallas' Friendly Mew) Sion: Now of HART SCHAFFNER AMASS CLOTHESIE MAIN AT PIECD M.O.•. BORON.. Southwest Conference Schedule for 1938 II= sr fwao A AM form A 1.1 0^••••• • "I ao.Ar*, T UU • Soot b.1•• 6•••••••••• •ue or Own.. I tam wo browse bow •7 r"U • M • • • t••• of CU •• N. ea 04.1.. ASK•In.. 4•4 I. W. OP Oman I nom • Clika..• ••••• OM. •41 L. 0••• •bowsaws I U Mom* • • Ilommo 11.0111°7'. • .1••^•••,...... C vs to* b •• Wow.. lbw • I••••• Wm wane= IA •• Aram •••••7G, ••••••• G... • ••••••• A. • M 1.•• • T•mo I. vs T•w• N • • ea boo• 1.• • • • %I .* CI. T C Y Yw.w Cr.. Comm 1111 •••^ now.. Tom ea U G L • • • It es .. U dd. a .111.• a.. 1717. 4. aro • Tin AM •U. • 1.•••• • 11•••• •••••••.. • bay •• ^ M • • • U ••• Fos Mom A.m... TA• • Ti. IAN.. two.. I ^ U REALLY NEW AND DIFFERENT DANCE MUSIC SEGER AND HIS ORCHESTRA OrTAYLOR !RUE Century Boom '''' WITH LOVELY •••••• MP. woa. ear end• ww..1 MO COVES C14••GE !On 44.04M[• GUESTS 110TF:l. .%11111111,1•111'S II o :tsil ()lithos I. OFFICIAL SALESSLIINSHIP CLUB AND FOOTBALL HEADQUARTERS 47 vewle** •Nct 1•0•s 1 he.V anon', I I Slam and [niati. DENTLER MAID FOOD PRODUCTS , appaivity 16 "ALL STAR" FOODS "Or al Us PPMI.WIllaer • Potato Chips • Sandwich Spread • Mayonnaise • FRESH eiviy_Otuk AT LEADING GROCERS ,• C. M. Kahn S Co. 1).. I ne krtet heist f4Arn 4%0 1114 Az 1 ASIAll Fresh! Delicious! Bracing! economical! WHITE SWAN COFFEE • P • PoPPor • • WO4C011-10(L:1.• • • Mustard Sauce • Horseradish • 48 COLLIAl ALLSTAIMS Fa WY111001011 49 Compliments of Maxvill 6-9 Levine guess Who? Penalties I 11.4.1Ing by deferive side. Me., Delayese se. "Iaf 17 11.1. by sole to. yore... 01 ball IS tleolbas le Coach. brom •bloyes Irrelbrl Veer.. of l`e•